Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Weird Stuff by Richard Tulloch JFIC

Brian Hobble leads an ordinary middle school life until weird stuff starts happening. First he becomes a superstar on the soccer team when usually no one ever notices him on the field, then his hero Lancelot Cummins picks him to be in a Special Interest Writing Group when he usually can't write more than a paragraph. Could it be the mysterious pink pen he borrowed from the class nerd? or is he just lucky?
I liked Brian as a person. He's very funny and talented even though he doesn't seem it know it himself. His cartoons scattered throughout the book are realistic and comical as he tries to understand the people and events around him.

Good for grade 4 and up.

Food for Thought: Did you ever do something that you thought you wouldn't be talent at, but you ended up surprising yourself?

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