Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Lightning Theif by Rick Riordan JFIC Fantasy

Did you ever wonder what would happen if ancient gods and goddesses from myths were alive today? 6th grader, Percy Jackson, was considered a deliquent. He had been kicked out of every school he's attended. With an arrogant smelly stepdad, he did not have too much to look forward when he came home. When strange things begin to happen on his way, Percy begins to wonder if he really was hallucinating that his Math teacher turned into a monster and tried to kill him. As Percy discovers who his real father was, he begins an adventurous quest worthy of the gods. Riordan conjured up a wonderful mythic world in the United States. Percy is very comical with many realistic and mythical connections with mentions of reality tv and Mount Olympus. I especially liked his description of the Oracle. A good adventure story for grades 5 and up.

Food for thought: If you had the choice of being a normal kid or an adventurous hero in constant danger, which would you chose?

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